Friday, 19 August 2016

Ryan Weir - The Benefits of Crowdfunding

Ryan Weir was born in Invercargill but grew up in Christchurch, and Dunedin, New Zealand. When he was thirteen years old he started his first business selling hot coffee to spectators at sports grounds. He developed a portable coffee furnace which he carried on his back. His business idea was so successful that he hired people to work for him, and was also featured in the local newspaper.
Ryan Weir

In 2012, Ryan Weir co-founded Walker Weir Property Management and bought out his business partner to become the sole owner of the company in 2016. In the last several years, crowdfunding has become quite popular and has a wide range of advantages compared to traditional business financing. Here are a couple of benefits of crowdfunding.

When you start focusing on raising capital to build your company, you might not have sufficient time to concentrate on traditional financing methods. Instead of going through the process of applying for a loan from a financial institution, you might want to consider using one of the crowdfunding platforms. With the right platform, you can create a short video that tells your business’ story, offer some exciting rewards, and start targeting potential business partners.

Improved Brainstorming
With crowdfunding, you can have your partners or backers help you by providing business tips and ideas. You can take constructive criticism from your backers and turn it into positive input for your business. In business, you need to have fresh input, and crowdfunding is one way you can have fresh ideas from your backers and use it to build your business.

Ryan Weir is an experienced businessman in Auckland.


Thursday, 11 August 2016

Ryan Weir - SEO Tips for Small Business Owners

Ryan Weir is the owner of Walker Weir Property Management in Auckland, New Zealand. He started his first business when he was thirteen years old and was featured in the local newspaper. The key component of any business’ marketing strategy is effectively positioning your business brand in search engine results. There are several simple yet effective ways to boost your brand’s visibility in search engine results.

Ryan Weir Ryan Weir bought out his business partner and became the sole owner of Walker Weir Property Management in 2016, and has worked hard to build a successful reputation for his company. Here are a couple of SEO tips small business owners can use.

Optimize Your Business’ Website 

Your business’ website is your most valuable online asset, and it is very important that you optimize it so that it appears high in online search results. To do this, you will need to make sure it has a domain name that reflects your business, and it should include a title that identifies with your business. Include your business name, address and phone number on each page on your website. You will also need to highlight what your business offers on the website.

Update Your Business Listings Online

One of the most effective SEO tools you can use for your business is to ensure your business’ listing is available on a variety of third-party sources. Google and other leading search engines constantly scan other sites to build a strong index of the web.

Ryan Weir knows that in order to gain an edge in the market, business owners need to have an SEO optimized business website.

Source; ​

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Ryan Weir - Three Tips to Grow your Business

Ryan Weir co-founded the company in 2012 with his business partner Hamish Walker and became the sole owner of the business in 2016. Growing a business requires patience and a lot of hard work. If you have survived startup and have managed to build a successful business, then you are probably looking to grow your business. Here are three tips you can use to grow your business.

                                    Ryan Weir

Business Franchise

Starting a business franchise is one of the ways you can grow your business. With a business franchise, you can create a system of expansion that allows you to grow your business outside your area of operation. When your staff has a vested interest in the business, it helps them enjoy what they are doing and bring more to the table. Ryan Weir is constantly looking for ways to expand his business.

Build an Alliance

Building an alliance with a similar type of business can help take your business to the next level. Work with other businesses in the area and set up a network where you can work together to create a market that can be shared with the other business owners. For example, if you run a property management business, you might want to team up with a company that specializes in home security systems.

Target Related Markets

Targeting related markets is important if you are looking for ways to grow your business. If you run a health food store, you might want to target the gyms and fitness centres in the area to help grow your business. Look for avenues that you can work with and learn how you can use those avenues to your advantage.

Ryan Weir started his first business when he was thirteen years old.
